Monday, 22 February 2016

WAEC refuses to allow company reward students until they pay N1.8m

The West African Examination Council, WAEC, has been accused of demanding money before they can submit list of brilliant students to a company who wants to reward them.
According to reports, Edubox, a company which seeks to encourage brilliant students by rewarding them with such
things as schorlarship, cash prizes, etc, on December 8, requested that WAEC sends them a list of students who did very well in the May/June West African Senior Secondary Examination for the year, 2014/2015 in each states in Nigeria.
WAEC responded to this letter on January 20th, saying the cost of processing such data will be N1, 850, 000. 00 (one million eight hundred and fifty thousand naira only).
Edubox  The letter from Edubox which requested for the names of students
WAEC  WAEC's response demanding N1.8m
This means that the exam board will be denying dozens of students a chance to be rewarded and assisted in continuing their education.
Both companies have been contacted and are yet to make a statement regarding the issue.

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