Saturday, 20 February 2016

Kris Jenner, Kanye West reveals more disturbing details concerning son-in-law


Following the revelation that Kris Jenner fears that her son-in-law, Kanye West's recent Twitter rants might be having a damaging effect on the Kardashian brand, she has admitted to the fact they no one dares speak negatively about his Yeezy collection.

Kris Jenner  Kris Jenner

Kris made the revelation while appearing as a guest on E! Fashion Police, as she spoke on Kanye's creative genius.
Momager revealed that the family would not 'dare' to make any kind of complaints concerning hios designs.
Kris Jenner Kanye West Kris Jenner Kanye West
Following questions on their outfits to Yeezy season 3 launch, as the whole family has been busy with fittings, Kris said:
"I don’t think any of us would dare say we didn’t like it if we went for a fitting. He’s very focused. So he puts something together and it was monotone colours and the scheme and he thought it through down to Kim’s hair because he thought about how that would be with her outfit.
"He makes sure the fit is right or that you know it’s perfect.'I actually went in and did mine and got back in the car, I went in for the fitting, picked an outfit, got in the car, I was halfway back to my hotel and I got a call saying, "He doesn’t think it looks right, why don’t you come on back?"'
Kris Jenner Kanye West  Kris Jenner Kanye West
Kanye seems to be on a self destructive roll and we can almost see an all round melt down in his future.

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