Wednesday, 21 October 2015

How To Force Your Computer To Update To Windows 10

Windows 10
Yesterday we reported that Windows 10's update files had reportedly begun to download in the background for some users. This also means that there are some users who have yet to receive the update files despite having reserved their copy. This is to be expected since we reckon Microsoft probably wants to stagger its release.
Now if you can't wait for it to come to your turn, fret not because it seems that there is way to go about forcing the files to download onto your computer, thus allowing you to upgrade to Windows 10 on the spot. This is thanks to the folks at VentureBeat who have published the step-by-step instructions on their website.
So to start things off, users will want to navigate to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download, or wherever that particular folder is saved at. You will then need to delete all the files there which basically gives Windows Update a clean slate. Once that's done, head on over to your Windows Update.
You will then need to launch your Command Prompt by typing "cmd" in the search box, right click it, and then choose to "Run as administrator". Once Command Prompt is open, type in "wuauclt.exe /updatenow" but do not press enter yet. Switch back to the Windows Update window, click "Check for updates" and once it begins checking, swap back to Command Prompt and press enter.
It will then proceed to download the necessary files you need to install Windows 10. It should be noted that the update files are around 6GB so it could take you awhile. We have yet to try this method for ourselves, but so far it looks like it works for the majority of users. If you'd like to learn more, hit up VentureBeat's website where there are additional screenshots.
- Ubergizmo

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