Thursday 24 March 2016

How To Create A Custom Domain Mail and Get It Accessed From Cpanel

                                   custom domain mail
Hello prestigious peoples of truthloaded .when thinking of Creating a Personal Custom Domain Mail, there should be some things you need to easily achieve this. You can simply Personalize your email by getting email addresses at your Domain end
Many People
out there simply wanna make their stuffs look more cool and professional in such a way that many fans will believe things are gonna be cool with such company or individual. You might have seen so many websites with their own personal custom domain mail and you ever wondered how they got something of such simply because all you know about emails are from companies like gmail, yahoomail and lots out there.
You might wake up someday, get on your PC and wanna Create customized email addresses for yourself, team, website fans/subscribers. Examples are truth@domain-name.tld , loaded@domain-name.tld, admin@domain-name.tld e.t.c which you probably find difficult to get through the steps. You might not even own a company, it could just be a website and you need such custom domain mail. Yes, am gonna guide you today, but before we go into details, I will like you to know that there are some things involved to achieve it.

What Are The Things Needed To Own a Custom Domain Mail Address.

  1. You Need a Domain Name. [You can simply Purchase/Register for that at web hosting companies like Arvixe , Hostwinds] .Read Arvixe Reviews and HostWind Reviews
  2. Access To the Domain Panel or Your WebHosting Cpanel.
OK, Let Me Believe We are Done with that.

How To Create A Custom Domain Mail and Access From Cpanel

  1. Login To Your WebHosting Cpanel
  2. Navigate To Where You See “Email Accounts”  and Click To Open
  How To Create A Custom Domain Mail and Access From Cpanel
3.  Simply Enter Your Desired Custom Domain Mail Address which is gonna point to your Domain.
Enter Email
Enter a Strong Password That is Hard For Anyone To Guess [Combination of Letters, Numbers and Symbols is Great]
Set Mailbox Quota Space [i.e storage size capacity to hold incoming mails/messages]
4.  Now Create Account

How To Access You New Created Custom Domain Mail

Now that we are done creating our customized domain mail, now we need to see how the inbox looks like and at the same time check if we have any new messages inside :) .
  • Simply Navigate Through The Email Account Lists
  • Choose The “More Option” and Click “Access Webmail” [Opens In a New Tab]
  • Now you will be prompted to “Choose a Default Webmail Application” [ I Love Using RoundCube :) ]
  • After You are done setting your Choice or My Choice, Simply Click On the App Logo
Its Gonna Launch and Take You To Your Mail Box and Below is A Sample Of It.
 custom domain mail inbox interface

Method2 Of Accessing Your Customized Mail

  1. Launch Your Browser
  2. Type In your Url and Followed with /webmail or :2096 [i.e] or .
  3. Hit Enter To Load Up.. You gonna have the below Interface.
  How To Create A Custom Domain Mail and Access From Cpanel
4. Now Enter Your Mail and Password
5. Hit Enter or Login
Conclusion: Yeah That’s It and we done creating a Customized Personal or Business Mails For Either Newsletters or for any other Stuff that best fit your Purpose of creating it. :) . Don't forget to share the post with others and like our page on facebook and follow on twitter @truthloaded.TP

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