Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Shades Of The Lust (Season1 Episode 56)

Episode 56
Kelvin’s side of the story continues
‘’my parents gave their approval’’ I softly said to Jessica as we headed back to the city. She smiled happily, rubbing her face with her palms.
‘’you can’t
believe how happy and relieved I’m right now. My prayers are about coming to past. Thank you Jesus’’ she breathed happily.
I threw her a quick look, smiling faintly.
‘’I want us to have a get together tomorrow at your house’’ I slowly added while she stared at me curiously.
‘’you will invite all your friends and I will equally bring my friends along. It will be an opportunity to introduce you to my friends while you do the same. It will be in shape of a house party’’ I explained. She nodded in agreement.
‘’that’s so cool. By what time are we looking at?’’ she asked.
‘’4pm is okay’’ I replied. She nodded once again.
‘’Kelvin dear you are about making me a full woman. I truly do appreciate’’ she breathed solemnly, surprising me with a kiss when we got to her house. I noticed tears quickly form in her eyes.
‘’really?’’ I asked. She shook her head, looking down.
‘’you won’t understand, I’m just shedding tears of joy’’ she muttered.
‘’but I’m yet to propose remember?’’ I stammered softly.
‘’I know, I know but thank you for everything’’ she breathed softly, touching my heart with her sudden calmness. I just couldn’t help but wonder what she was feeling inside. I couldn’t help but wonder how it felt to be single at her age even though she wasn’t anything more than thirty three or thirty four years old.
Joe’s gym, 8pm same day
‘’so you are serious about proposing to your Jessica tomorrow?’’ Joe asked with surprise after I told him of my current plans and the result of my trip to the village.
‘’yes and I want you and all my guys to be present when I propose to her tomorrow. You guys will have to back me up’’ I added with a smile.
‘’sure we will back you up. What’s the plan?’’ he asked curiously.
‘’we all meet at my house by 3:30pm tomorrow, from there we head to Jessica’s house in a convoy’’ I explained.
‘’that’s fine by me. Tomorrow then’’ he accepted, shaking hands with me.
Early the next day, I headed out for a small shopping, where i ended up buying a very expensive engagement ring for Jessica. Yes I was excited and nervous at the same time because I was about doing something that I had never done in my entire life.
By 3:45pm, about twelve of my friends ( scam partners) were already at my house, making noise and hailing me. By 4pm we all headed to Jessica’s house in a convoy of exotic cars. Supposing the EFCC or the police were ready and serious in fighting crime, it would have been a big catch for them if they had swooped in on us that moment.
We arrived at Jessica’s house to meet a very lively house filled with big, matured ladies whose eyes opened with admiration as i walked into the spacious compound with my friends.
Jessica quickly rushed forward and pounced on me, kissing me strongly while her friends screamed and laughed. I quickly drew her down on a couch, brought out the ring and surprised her with it. She gasped with disbelief.
‘’will you marry me?’’ I asked softly. Of course I already knew what her answer would be. All we were doing was nothing but a little show.
‘’’yes yes yes’’ she breathed with tears of joy. Her friends clapped and screamed while my guys emptied the champagnes they brought along on me.
An hour later, after I freshened up and changed my clothes, the house party started. Yes Jessica was a good organizer and she perfectly made the whole thing a memorable experience. However one peculiar thing happened that evening that was to change the course of everything. It was something I really can’t explain what exactly led to it but it just happened.
There was this lady that kept staring at me from the moment I walked into Jessica’s compound with my friends. Her eyes really made me uncomfortable but of course I never showed it nor took any special interest in her until when Jessica introduced her to me hours later. She was exactly the same age as Jessica even though Jessica looked more attractive than her. She equally was a bit fatter than Jessica.
It wasn’t really love or lust or something similar that I felt before her. It was a strange kind of connection and the lady just left her eyes on me as if she felt something like pity or should I say she had something she desperately wanted to say but was holding back.
‘’meet my friend Emmanuella and Emmanuella dear, meet my fiancée Kelvin’’ Jessica introduced innocently.
Unfortunately supposing she had the ability to see the future, she wouldn’t have invited Emmanuella to her party.
Just like I said earlier, it wasn’t love, it wasn’t lust. It was something different that I felt.
What exactly would that be??
To be continued

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