Saturday, 9 January 2016

Shades Of The Lust (Season1 Episode 24)

Episode 24
Jude’s side of the story continues
Early Sunday morning, we all headed to a catholic church down the street for a Sunday Church service. The kindness and love shown to me by Tracy’s parents was something I never dreamt of having.
I really felt so much at peace being with them.
However on our way to the church, Tracy took my phone for no just reason and since I had nothing to hide (Apart from Pamela’s phone numbers which were saved in my phone with her real name, everything other thing like our chats and messages were always deleted after each chat session). I allowed Tracy to have my phone. But unfortunately, that very Sunday was the day the devil remembered me.
Later in the day, just minutes after we got back from church service, Tracy ran into my room, all colored up and angry. She threw my phone at me with great rage, while I stared at her with great confusion.
‘’I can’t believe you were with another girl, the night before you came here. What an insult to me. I cheapened myself so much for you. I blame myself for this’’ she burst out with such a loud voice that left me very scared.
‘’you have to reduce your voice and talk me. Do you want your parents to hear your voice?. I don’t understand what you are saying’’ I tried my best to calm her but instead of calming down, she drew forward to slap me but I caught her hand on time and firmly dragged her down on the bed while she struggled to free herself.
I really couldn’t figure out how she discovered I spent the night with Pamela since I had nothing incriminating on my phone. I equally was very sure that the last thing Pamela would do was to share our little secret to anyone because she was so conscious of herself and dignity.
‘’you still don’t understand right?. Get your phone, read the message you just got. Yes I read it. Yes I invaded your privacy but I did it for a genuine reason’’ she breathed as she struggled with me.
I slowly grabbed my phone, opened the message box and read the first message I saw. Of course the message was from no other person than Pamela. I froze as I read the text message she left me.

‘’I can’t still believe you had the mind to do what you did after the risk I took in coming down to spend Friday night with you. Things don’t always go the way we plan, but just know that we are in this together. I won’t bother you again but you will come looking for me’’
I read the message over and over without really knowing what to make of it or the explanation to give to Tracy. I was simply unprepared and clueless on how to tackle the situation. I couldn’t even think properly.
‘’why would you be with another woman on Friday and then the next day, you pretend and come over to my house like a saint?. What kind of man are you?’’ she asked with tears on her eyes and I really felt so bad. She was a woman before anything and I knew she would never understand if I try giving an honest explanation.
There wasn’t any doubt she was already disgusted by me. To her, I greatly dishonored her love and all she felt for me by taking advantage of her feelings. I was now nothing but a good pretender before her eyes.

‘’I just don’t know you Jude’’ she sobbed deeply.

Kelvin’s side of the story continues
‘’so how about you come over to my house tomorrow afternoon for a date?. I’m a good cook and it really will be an honor cooking for such a wonderful lady like you’’ I suddenly asked Jessica as she escorted me out of her house that Saturday evening.
‘’of course you already know I can’t say no’’ she replied sweetly, rolling her eyes.
I quickly gave her my address, hugged her again and drove home in a very happy mood. There wasn’t any doubt that I was making a smooth headway to her heart and she equally was slowly gaining direct access to my heart.

Early Sunday morning when everyone was heading to church, I headed to Joe’s gym to exercise and chat with my friend. Joe looked so happy to see me and I couldn’t help but wonder if he really thought I was going to die the previous evening.
‘’I’m so glad to see you my friend. Since you survived yesterday, I guess you aren’t dying anytime soon’’ he joked while I laughed.
In no time I told him everything that happened between Jessica and I the previous evening, hiding nothing from him.

‘’I hope you are not going to end up having kids with her?. With the way you guys are going, I won’t be surprised if that happens’’ he joked when I was done with my story.
‘’seriously bro, I always feel different whenever I’m with Jessica. I really haven’t achieved much with her other than stupidly getting romantically attached to her and I can’t stop myself or control what I’m feeling’’ I confessed.
‘’hmmm you have to take it easy’’ he advised with a smile.
An hour later, I returned to my house and busied myself with preparing a delicious meal of fried rice and salad for Jessica. Growing up in the village taught me a whole lot of things and I could boast of being one of the best male cooks around. Though lately, Cynthia had always been around to help me out.
The spirit and energy I used in cooking for Jessica was something I really didn’t know where it came from and by 1pm, the food, table, wine and flowers were all ready. I just felt like a bachelor who was expecting his fiancée from abroad.
2pm, Jessica arrived my house, looking so gorgeous and charming. My heart pounded loud as I welcomed her into my house.
‘’wow, you have such a nice house. You are doing too well for yourself’’ she complemented my great taste. I smiled nervously.
Thirty five minutes later, we were done with lunch and the look of admiration on her face was clearly visible.
‘’you know when you said you were going to cook for me, I thought maybe you were just trying to impress me but seriously after eating and listening to your story on how you learnt to cook and the method you used to prepare this wonderful meal, you totally won a great deal of me. I like guys who know how to cook and I adore guys who know how to cook excellently well. I score you 99%’’ she said with great admiration while my head swelled with pride.
‘’so what now?’’ she asked as we got up to leave the table. I smiled, drew close and did what I never wanted to do.
I kissed her and surprisingly, she kissed back, opening a new chapter in my life.

Will I end up regretting or did I make the right decision???
To be continued

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