Saturday, 23 January 2016

Nigerian team snatched an away win

Nigerian team have snatched an away win in far away Namibia.
The Nigerian U-17 women team also known as the Flamingoes, has thumped the Namibian team with a 5-o at home in the second round of the second leg of the FIFA U-17 world cup.
The Nigerian team won the Namibians with a 9-0 aggregate after recording a home and away victory.
Nigeria’s U-17 girls FLAMINGOS The game was played at the Sam Nujoma Stadium, Windhoek where the Nigerian girls spanked the Namibians in front of their esteeming fans.
Patience Dike
scored the first goal in the sixth minute, while the goal poacher, Cynthia Aku scored the second goal at the 37th minute after where she braced a hat-trick by netting in two more goals.
Rasheedat Ajibade scored the last goal at the 70th minute, while Yetunde Fajobi rounded up the goal spree by scoring a brace at the 80th minute to round up the encounter.
The team will now face South Africa in the final round in March
Earlier before now, the Nigerian U-17 female national team AKA flamingos whopped the Namibian queens in a 4-0 match encounter, in the first leg of the ongoing FIFA women’s World Cup qualifiers in Abuja.
Goals were scored early by the Nigerian team while the Namibians could not pull one back as all their efforts were wasted.
Rasheedat Ajibade, Cynthia Aku and Peace Efih grabbed the advantage and scored goals against the visiting team, Namibia.
The first goal was netted by Ajibade in the 13th minute while Aku scored the second in the 37th minute. Efih made it 3-0 while Ajibade scored her second goal and the last of the match in the 67th minute of the encounter.

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