Friday, 18 December 2015

Annie Hathaway Pregnant actress looks fit, beautiful in new photo

Soon to be mom Anne Hathaway is enjoying her days to become a mother with her husband Adam Shulman with a healthy diet and exercise regime with lots of yoga.
 Anne Hathaway with her husband Adam Shulman
Soon to be mom Anne Hathaway is enjoying her days to become a mother with her husband Adam Shulman
with a healthy diet and exercise regime with lots of yoga.
Oscar winning Actress, Anne Hathaway who is expecting her first child with husband Adam Shulman was spotted doing high energy workouts at the gym and looking as beautiful as ever. Sources close to her said that Anne wants to stay fit and healthy and she does not want to rush back into the films, she don’t want to put herself under pressure to quickly become slim.
She does yoga every day to relax and de-stress and eating mainly organic food to stay healthy. Her energy levels are high and she is loving the fact that a little angel is growing inside her.
Anne Hathaway  Anne Hathaway

Anne couldn’t be happier to have a caring husband to take care of her and make her journey to become a mother as smooth as possible. Sources close to the couple said that Adam is an amazing husband and he loves to take care of her. The couple take very good care of their animals and they cannot wait to introduce their dogs to their soon to come new member of their family.
Anne Hathaway had earlier expressed her desire to be a mother. Back in 2013 in an interview with Vogue, “I think about it all the time. Though it’s a silly thing to think about because the kind of mother I’ll be depends on the kind of children I have.”
Needless to say the, ‘The Princess Diaries’ actress will have plenty of time after the birth of the little one as she is planning to take a break from work following the baby’s arrival and wants to enjoy the sweet days as new parents. All the best to the beautiful couple.

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